Leverage our API to access ASO & app intelligence data

Use our App Store API to seamlessly integrate AppTweak and console data within your product or internal BI tools.

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Power your tools with the largest app store database

  • 100+ COUNTRIES


Keyword Suggestions

Returns a list of keywords that are performing well for an app, a category, or in general in the app stores.

Keyword Metrics & Rankings

Returns current and past data for the following keyword metrics for any country and language combination:

  • Keyword volume
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Results
  • Maximum reach (an estimation of the monthly impressions)
  • Keyword ranking
  • Organic installs per keyword
Live Search with Ads

Returns current and past results of a live search for a given keyword.

Keyword Search Ads Intelligence

Returns the following data and metrics:

  • Paid keywords: Returns an app’s paid keywords, and the number of bids found for each.
  • Share of voice: Returns the apps that bid on a given keyword and their dates of occurrence.


App Metrics

Returns current and past data for the following metrics:

  • Download & revenue estimates
  • Total ratings & daily new ratings
  • App Power
  • Category ranking
App Metadata & Reviews

Returns metadata (icon, screenshots, title, description, A/B tests, etc.) and reviews from an app tracked in AppTweak:

  • App Metadata – Current: returns the latest metadata available
  • App Metadata – History: returns the historical metadata changes
  • App reviews displayed: Returns the list of reviews that are displayed on an app page.
  • App reviews search: Returns all the review entries from a specific app in the selected country based on several criteria like date, rating, or even keyword.
  • App review stats: Returns all the stats related to all the review entries from a specific app in the selected country.
Featured Content

Returns all the featurings that AppTweak has been able to gather on the App Store and Google Play in the selected countries over a given period.

In-App Events & Promotional Content
  • In-app events list: Returns all the In-App Events or Promotional Content of an app in the selected country and date range.
  • In-app events metadata: Returns the event metadata of a given list of event IDs.


Top Charts
  • Categories: Returns the most recent top charts (top 500 apps) and top charts history for a specific category.
  • DNA: Returns the most recent top chart (top 500 apps) for a specific AppTweak DNA (classification)
Download & Revenue Estimates

Returns download and revenue estimates for a specific category and country combination.

Conversion Benchmarks

Returns the list of categories and their conversion rates in a given country, channel, and date range.

In-App Events & Promotional Content
  • In-app events list: Returns all the In-App Events or Promotional Content of an app in the selected country and date range.
  • In-app events metadata: Returns the event metadata of a given list of event IDs.

Quick to integrate & built to scale

Effortless setup, precise data, and the flexibility to adapt to your needs.

documentation intuitive api

Intuitive documentation

Our API is built with developer-friendly REST API access and supported by clear, intuitive documentation, making it easy to integrate AppTweak data into your products.

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Real time insights

With an Unlimited API plan, gain unrestricted access to all the data you need and ensure your tools can adapt to a wide range of user demands—without limitations.

Automate data ingestion and pull data multiple times a day so you can display live data inside your tool.

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Most accurate data

Build with confidence using the largest and most trusted app store intelligence database. AppTweak’s API offers insights from 100+ countries, 6M+ apps, and 17M+ keywords, with 95% accuracy trusted by industry leaders.

Don’t take our word for it. After an extensive audit of the best app data providers in the market, Phiture chose to collaborate with AppTweak for its unmatched accuracy.

Who uses our API


Use our API to pull app store data on a daily basis and add key ASO insights to your software.

  • Get daily keyword rankings for any app or a list of all apps that rank on a keyword.
  • Access keyword volume history from 2016 onwards.
  • Find the most relevant keyword suggestion for an app.

Agencies & Marketing

Build custom reports combining ASO data from AppTweak and your console.

  • Monitor aggregated app performance (downloads, revenues, etc).
  • Fetch daily ratings & reviews across your apps and countries.
  • Track the daily ranking evolution of your app for specific keywords.

Data Analysts

Carry out worldwide market analyses and identify global and local market trends.

  • Identify profitable market segments and discover untapped opportunities.
  • Capture seasonality movements and growth trends.
  • Conduct large-scale and custom market research.


What countries and languages are supported?

AppTweak’s API allows you to access the Apple App Store & Google Play Store programmatically in 100+ countries. Check out this list to see all supported countries.

How often is the data updated?

AppTweak fetches data daily. 

What is the pricing for the API?

When you subscribe to AppTweak’s API, you buy a set of credits to make requests. The amount of credits required for a request is based on the kind of data you are requesting and the amount of data queried. AppTweak only charges for returned data—any queried data point(s) that cannot be returned by AppTweak will not be charged. The complete list of data point prices, as well as some pricing examples, can be found in the Pricing Table.

For large needs, we do provide custom pricing with unlimited API credits. Interested? Get in touch with our team.

How does the free trial work?

During the 7-day free trial, you can use up to 100,000 credits free of charge. After 7 days, you will be charged the price for the plan you signed up for.

What can I do with 100,000 API credits?

Depending on your use case, you can:

  • Get the App Keyword Rank & Installs of 250 keywords for 5 apps over the last month
  • Fetch 100,000 keyword suggestions
  • Pull 100,000 app reviews for an app
  • Get the volume or Max Reach for 10,000 keywords
  • Get the live search results of 2,000 keywords
  • Get last month’s Top Charts in 100 markets for 25 categories

Ready to build? Start using our API

  • Data fetched since 2014
  • Available in 100+ countries
  • Flexible pricing options
AppTweak SA
avenue Louise 235
Brussels , , 1050 Belgium
app store marketing, aso