App Growth Summit + ASO & Growth Strategy Breakfast NYC

Taya Franchville by 
App Growth Consultant at AppTweak

7 min read

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App Growth Summit New York – April 13, 2022

When: April 13, 2022

Where: New York, USA

What: Exclusive conference for mobile app growth professionals

App Growth Summit (AGS) is an invite-only event focused on expert-generated original content from app growth professionals. AppTweak has been a proud coffee sponsor of AGS since 2018! We were thrilled to sponsor the AGS once again, this time in New York City.

Three employees of AppTweak posing with an AppTweak banner.Ryan Kipple (Customer Success Manager), Laurie Galazzo (CRO), and Taya Franchville (ASO Expert) attending AGS NYC 2022.

Quick Synopsis of AGS Talks

It was very insightful and exciting to learn from so many app growth experts! Here is a recap of some of the most relevant talks:

Ally Tubis, VP of Engagement and Retention Analytics, Disney Streaming

Ally Tubis, VP of Engagement and Retention Analytics at Disney Streaming, shared her insights into app metadata and segmentation. She discussed the ability of data to shed light on the signals – action items – that lead users to have a great experience. These items can then be utilized to increase time spent on an app in order to increase engagement and revenue.

Ally also discussed the focus that should be placed on “all-star” metrics that are important to influence business health, including:

  • Consistency and recency, such as weekly active users
  • Frequency, or visits per user
  • Engagement, such as hours per user
  • Breadth, or variety of actions per user, such as the genres they are streaming or variety of products they are purchasing. With this, she stressed that infrequent, big spenders in a specific category should not always be the main focus. Instead, she insisted developers should look at users who spend frequently and on a variety of items, as they are more likely to return and spend more over time.
  • Multi-device usage. Ally confirmed this is a strong sign of business health, as these users are most likely to stick around and continue engaging with the product.

Ally stressed the importance of collecting data from day one and specifically ensuring the data team understands the business goals. She pointed out that data teams should be a part of the app development from day one, in an effort to track the right behaviors. For example, she shared that Hulu followed this practice and discovered within a month of the app’s launch which elements made users most likely to cancel their subscriptions. This data then played a large role in their following business strategy.

Rohit Kulkarni, Team Lead and Senior Solutions Engineer, mParticle

Rohit Kulkarni, Team Lead and Senior Solutions Engineer at mParticle, shared some insightful key points on data:

  • 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last two years.
  • Data quality dictates success, and entropy is inevitable. Data is directly tied to customer experience – so it can be assumed that bad data leads to bad customer experiences. To combat this, companies should have a foundational layer that gives them the opportunity to get a high-quality set of data ahead of time, and then use that data wherever needed.
  • As privacy policies keep evolving, privacy controls need to be integrated from the point of collection, early on in the customer journey.
  • Marketing and engaging in the moments that matter defines success versus failure. Rohit shared an example of booking a hotel and still receiving an ad for that hotel days later – such a disconnect could easily be bothersome on the customer’s end.

Vivian Chang, VP of Growth, Clorox

Vivian Chang, VP of Growth at Clorox, gave a talk on Brand and Performance. She covered three main consumer themes:

  • Consumers want omnichannel shopping and convenience.
  • Consumers want both privacy and personalization.
  • Consumers are in control of their data.

Vivian also shared a very interesting statistic: 40% of consumers have been shopping from both different brands and different retailers since COVID-19. This gives insight into the way consumers now choose where their focus lies. With this, she shared that Gen Z and millennial consumers are choosing brands that align with their own purpose and vision. Some examples Vivian gave of what consumers may look for when choosing a brand to shop from include:

  • A brand’s consistency of values across touchpoints.
  • Whether or not the brand follows its mission(s).
  • The social causes a brand is supporting
  • Whether the brand is engaging and creative.

She also pointed out that this new era of decision-making makes business more difficult and raises the bar for brands. Vivian also shared this very informative graphic showing the statistics of how eager to contribute and engage Gen Z individuals are:

Bar graph of Gen Zers indication that they want to contribute and have more brand engagements

Bar graph showing what Gen Zers have done and would like to do to contribute to active brand engagements.

ASO & Growth Breakfast New York – April 14, 2022

When: April 14, 2022

Where: Arlo NoMad Hotel, New York, USA

What: App growth meetup & networking event hosted by AppTweak & Winclap

Selfie at ASO + Growth Strategy breakfast, and a plethora of food!Selfie at ASO + Growth Strategy breakfast, and a plethora of food!

AppTweak’s ASO Breakfasts are back! This time, we partnered with Winclap for an ASO & Growth Breakfast in the beautiful Arlo NoMad hotel.

From weather apps to fintech and from casual games to parenting apps, we gathered a diverse group of mobile marketing professionals. In the form of two roundtable discussions, everyone shared their experiences around Apple’s new iOS 15 features and how to scale creatives for different channels.

iOS 15 brought many new features, such as in-app events. Users can have up to 5 in-app events running at a time which appear in various places across the App Store. In-app events include challenges, live events, new seasons, and special events. Each event card contains basic information about the event, as well as event creatives, such as screenshots and/or a short video. At the breakfast, many guests shared that they had already tried out in-app events and saw great success.

Visualize and monitor your competitors’ metadata updates, A/B tests and in-app events on our ASO Timeline

Product page optimization is another feature that came along with iOS 15, allowing app developers to conduct A/B tests directly on the App Store. With this, apps can test up to three variants of their original product page. This makes it possible for developers to test app creatives, such as screenshots or preview video, on their target market without submitting the app for Apple’s review. Just a few key points to keep in mind when running such A/B tests include:

  • Running an A/B/B test can help to decipher whether your results are true or false positives.
  • Run your test for at least 7 days whenever possible.
  • Don’t test too many changes at once, as this can make it difficult to decipher how each element performed.
  • Consider external elements (e.g., paid campaigns) that may come into play and how these may alter your results.

Advanced App Store Optimization Book

Want to learn more? Whether you’re an ASO newbie or an industry veteran, explore the foundations of ASO as well as the latest tips, techniques, and best practices for app growth success.

Get your copy

The final iOS 15 feature we discussed at the breakfast roundtable was custom product pages (CPPs). With custom product pages, developers are able to create up to 35 variants of their default product page for the App Store. With this, they can alter their promotional text, screenshots, and/or app preview video on each variant.

On Google Play, developers can utilize up to 10 custom store listings, altering features such as the app’s title, short description, app icon, screenshots, and feature graphic. These features can be very useful for conversion, as the app page users are sent to can be adapted depending store visitors’ interests or the specific factors bringing them to the store.

We had a blast in NYC and are so thankful for everyone who connected with us. Keep an eye on our social media to see what our team is up to next – we love to meet our customers in person and talk everything-ASO!

Discover how AppTweak can help optimize your app and get the most out of new iOS 15 features.

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Taya Franchville
by , App Growth Consultant at AppTweak
Taya is an App Growth Consultant at AppTweak, passionate about helping apps boost their visibility and downloads. She lives in Kentucky and spends most of her free time playing with her dog, exploring coffee shops, and tending to her houseplants!