How SoundCloud decreased CPI by 39%

  • + 58%ASA campaign conversion rate
  • 39%saved on budget
Client profile:

SoundCloud is the world’s largest music and audio platform. Since launching in 2008, SoundCloud has been differentiating itself thanks to its unique content and features, including the ability to share music and connect directly with artists, as well as unearth breakthrough tracks, raw demos, podcasts and more

Music Streaming
Products used:


The SoundCloud team was looking for new ways to lower their cost-per-install (CPI) and increase conversion rates to improve the efficiency of their ongoing Apple Search Ads (ASA) campaigns.

The team at SoundCloud was aware that in order to solve challenges to their paid marketing efforts and maximize ASA impact they needed to play on the existing synergies between ASO and ASA.

Soundcloud turned to AppTweak to identify any “low hanging fruits” opportunities that would help them score a first win and demonstrate the impact of Custom Product Pages before scaling from there.



1. Mining SoundCloud’s customer reviews to identify opportunities 

To start, AppTweak’s App Growth Consultants mined SoundCloud’s customer reviews and carried out a sentiment analysis.

App reviews and ratings do play a significant role in conversion and could work against ad efforts if negative. While in the case of SoundCloud reviews were mostly positive and could not be attributed to negative effects on their paid marketing efforts, other interesting insights emerged.

By digging into customers’ reviews, AppTweak’s team identified that users were particularly enjoying the possibility of having unlimited skips, as well as the presence of fewer ads compared to key competitors in the app stores.

Mining SoundCloud’s customer reviews to identify opportunities
Mining SoundCloud’s customer reviews to identify opportunities

These reviews proved that SoundCloud had a major competitive advantage, which could be used to power its future campaigns for success. 

2. Optimizing creatives to increase conversion rates 

Upon identifying this competitive advantage from users’ reviews, the AppTweak team thought of designing a new set of app store screenshots that would clearly highlight the benefits of SoundCloud’s more generous free-tier service.

To do so, AppTweak’s designers reflected on how to visually capture the action of skipping from track to track while keeping the focus on SoundCloud’s large music catalog. The AppTweak team eventually opted to use a carousel view of playlist covers split across two screens. Small adjustments were made to the screenshots to improve readability of captions in the assets.

Optimizing creatives to increase conversion rates - Soundcloud case study
Optimizing creatives to increase conversion rates

3. Implementing CPPs to increase relevancy 

This new creative was then used to create Custom Product Pages (CPPs) to increase the performance of SoundCloud’s ASA campaigns.

CPPs require a unique URL, which can be integrated into ASA and used to direct traffic from a particular group of keywords to a specific CPP.

As a first test, AppTweak recommended SoundCloud to update an ASA campaign targeting competitor’s brand names with the new CPP. Since the new CPP highlights a benefit of SoundCloud over competition, AppTweak identified the SoundCloud team could see the impact of CPPs the quickest in this area.


With the help of AppTweak’s guidance and support, SoundCloud was able to successfully launch the new CPPs on the App Store.

Consequently, SoundCloud saw a significant improvement in the campaign’s conversion rate which increased by 58% (1.58X). Moreover, their ASA campaigns cost-per-install lowered significantly, thus helping SoundCloud to save on their budget.

Image - Soundcloud case study - Evolution of weekly CVR (ASA Installs/Impressions)
Evolution of weekly CVR (ASA Installs/Impressions)

In comparison, with the previous conversion rate, SoundCloud would have spent 39% more budget to reach the same number of installs.

Having reaped the benefits of using CPPs in their ASA campaigns, the SoundCloud team is now excited to use more of this promotional tool with AppTweak.

Juliette Swersky - SoundCloud Juliette Swersky | Growth Marketing Manager
AppTweak’s team helped us improve, monitor, and measure our store performance. It has been a joy working with such a dynamic and dedicated team of ASO professionals who always went the extra mile to make sure we hit our goals.
AppTweak SA
avenue Louise 235
Brussels , , 1050Belgium
app store marketing, aso