ASO vs SEO: Why & How They Are Different

Alexandra De Clerckby 
CMO at AppTweak

5 min read

In the digital marketing landscape, two vital strategies often come into play: App Store Optimization (ASO) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While both aim to increase visibility and drive conversions, they target different platforms and use distinct methodologies. This blog will delve into the differences between ASO and SEO, explaining why and how they differ, and offering practical insights for app developers and marketers.


  • ASO is the process of improving an app’s visibility in the app stores with the objective of increasing organic app downloads. Apps are more visible when they rank highly on a wide variety of search terms, maintain a high position in the top charts, or get featured by the store.

Discover what exactly ASO is and the essential role it plays in growing your app

  • SEO is the practice of increasing your web page’s rankings in the organic search engine results with the objective of driving more qualified traffic to your website.

Objective: ASO vs SEO

  • In general, the objective of ASO is to improving an app’s visibility on the app stores and maximizing its appeal to new, existing, and lapsed users. The ultimate goal is to increase your app downloads and (re)activations.
  • The ultimate goal of SEO is to drive more qualified traffic to your web pages through the organic search engines and help people find answers to their questions or discover new products or services.

Search intent: ASO vs SEO

  • ASO: In the app stores, search queries are typically shorter and more focused. Users often search for specific apps by name or look for new apps that meet a particular need. Thus, search queries tend to be functional and related to specific features of an app.
  • SEO: SEO has a broader target, aiming to attract users who are seeking information, services, shopping opportunities, or entertainment​.

Ranking factors: ASO vs SEO

ASO on-page ranking factors

  • App title (iOS & Android)
  • App subtitle (iOS) and short description (Android)
  • Long description & keyword density (Android)
  • Keyword field (iOS)
  • In-app purchases (iOS)
  • Publisher name (iOS & Android)

ASO off-page ranking factors:

  • Total number of downloads and download velocity (iOS & Android)
  • Conversion rate (iOS & Android)
  • Retention and engagement (iOS & Android)
  • Reviews and ratings (iOS & Android)
  • Crash rate (iOS & Android)
  • Backlinks (Android)

Discover the main differences in ASO between App Store and Google Play

SEO on-page ranking factors

  • Keywords in the title tag
  • Keywords in header tags
  • High quality and relevant content
  • Content structure and length
  • Optimized URLs and meta tags

SEO off-page ranking factors

  • Page speed
  • Backlinks
  • Domain authority
  • Click-through rate and bounce rate
  • Time spent on page


Just like SEO, ASO is an ongoing process and one-time-shots or magical tricks don’t exist.

A successful ASO strategy focuses on careful monitoring and gradual improvements with the fundamental aim of building a high-quality app. Detailed keyword research can help you understand user behavior in the app stores and uncover opportunities to increase your app rankings gradually over time. Below, we have listed some of the metrics you should use to measure your success:


  • Organic downloads and installs
  • Conversion rate
  • Keyword visibility and rankings
  • Average ratings and reviews score


  • Organic sessions
  • Conversion rate
  • Keyword visibility and rankings
  • Bounce rate
  • Pages per session
  • Average session duration
  • Page load time
  • Number of backlinks and domains

Best Practices: ASO & SEO

ASO best practices

  • Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords that potential users are likely to search for
  • App title & subtitle: Incorporate primary keywords naturally to avoid appearing spammy
  • App description: Write a compelling, keyword-rich description that highlights the app’s features and benefits
  • Visual assets: Use high-quality icons, screenshots, and videos to attract and inform users
  • User reviews & ratings: Encourage satisfied users to leave positive feedback
  • Regular updates: Keep the app updated with new features and improvements to maintain user interest and engagement

SEO best practices

  • Keyword research: Use tools to find high-volume, low-competition keywords
  • Quality content: Create valuable, engaging, and relevant content that addresses user intent
  • Meta tags: Optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags with primary keywords
  • Backlink building: Develop a strong backlink profile by earning links from reputable sources
  • Technical SEO: Ensure the website is fast, mobile-friendly, and free from technical errors
  • User experience: Focus on site navigation, readability, and overall user satisfaction

Combining ASO & SEO for a holistic strategy

While ASO and SEO operate in different ecosystems, integrating both can create a comprehensive digital strategy. For example:

  • Cross-promotion: Use SEO techniques to drive traffic to your app landing page, complementing ASO efforts.
  • Keyword synergy: Apply insights from ASO to inform broader keyword strategies for SEO, ensuring consistency across platforms.
  • User engagement: Leverage user feedback from both the app stores and web searches to continuously refine your optimization strategies.

Understanding the different roles of ASO and SEO is fundamental for app developers and marketers striving to improve their digital presence. By leveraging both strategies effectively, you can ensure maximum visibility, user engagement, and overall success in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

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Alexandra De Clerck
by , CMO at AppTweak
Alexandra De Clerck is CMO at AppTweak. She is responsible for developing AppTweak's marketing strategy and brand recognition across the globe.