Reporting Studio: benefits of Reporting Studio for your app business

Benefits of Reporting Studio for Your App Business

Georgia Shepherdby 
Product Marketing Manager at AppTweak

6 min read

Data is the core of ASO. Effectively analyzing, monitoring, and reporting on your app’s performance data puts your business in the best position for long-term success.

Last month, we were proud to officially launch Reporting Studio, AppTweak’s latest tool to help unlock the value of your app data. Used effectively, Reporting Studio can be a game-changer for your app growth.

Interested in learning why exactly it’s such a powerful tool? In this blog, we highlight some valuable benefits of Reporting Studio that can help you better monitor and prove the impact of your growth work.

Read below to learn how Reporting Studio can add value to your app business. Watch our video tutorials to understand how you can leverage the data displayed in your new reports!

What is Reporting Studio?

With Reporting Studio, tell a comprehensive story about your app data. Exclusively for Enterprise, Reporting Studio allows you to plot app metrics from AppTweak, your consoles, or (soon) MMPs on a single graph to build customized app reports in seconds.

Key features

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • App Store & Google Play console integrations
  • MMP integrations
  • Fixed & dynamic date ranges
  • Aggregate data by week, month, year, quarter
  • Table view: day-by-day breakdown
  • URL report sharing & optional password protection
  • Download reports as PNG or CSV
  • Plot ASO Impact — metadata updates, featurings, algorithm updates — directly on your reports (coming soon)

What can I do with Reporting Studio?

Watch this short video to learn all about the benefits of Reporting Studio from Antoine Bentin, Product Manager.

1. Get a high-level overview of your top reports & KPIs

First, Reporting Studio does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a studio – a dedicated space to unite your team’s reporting processes and facilitate your work.

Reporting Studio provides a quick status of your app’s top KPIs. At a glance, you’ll be able to see major movements across reports. Just check into your Reporting Studio dashboard for a few seconds each day, and then dig deeper if you spot any abnormal fluctuations.

With Reporting Studio, save time leveraging interactive reports that automatically update with real-time data.

AppTweak Reporting Studio
Get a quick status of your app vitals with the Reporting Studio dashboard

2. Consolidate data across sources (AppTweak, consoles & MMPs)

With Reporting Studio, empower your team to make impressive performance reports in seconds.

Expert Tip

Want to visualize your competitors’ download estimates alongside their keyword rankings? That’s possible. Maybe you’d like to add your first-time downloads to the same view? Go for it! Want to monitor your peers’ localization strategies? Simply add important metrics for any countries of interest on the same report.

We’ve developed Reporting Studio to help you save time, money, and internal resources when building ASO reports – no technical experience required.

And this is just the beginning! Having just launched this powerful tool, please reach out to our team if you have any more ideas of metrics that would help upgrade your app reporting.

Get even more data by connecting your console

Like many of our top features, you can get even more value out of Reporting Studio by connecting your store console.

Feel more confident trusting AppTweak with sensitive data. We are ISO 27001 certified!

Adding ASO Intelligence data (revenue estimates, category rankings, keyword volumes, etc.) to your reports doesn’t require a console integration. However, if you do choose to integrate your console, you can unlock even more powerful data directly in Reporting Studio, including:

  • App Store: impressions, page views, conversion rates, in-app purchases, in-app events’ performance, and more.
  • Google Play: Store listing visitors, store listing acquisitions, daily user uninstalls, new subscriptions, and more.

See the full list of available data in Reporting Studio here.

3. Analyze performance & impact of paid campaigns

You can now also add data from your MMPs (mobile measurement partners) to your reports! MMPs (like Adjust or AppsFlyer) are third-party tools that allow app marketers to measure the performance of their paid campaigns.

MMPs can provide valuable insights into your ad spend, ad revenue, paid installs, and more. They empower you to make better data-driven decisions by identifying your most profitable channels and optimizing your ad performance. By connecting your MMP to Reporting Studio, you can easily:

  • Compare your paid and organic acquisition.
  • Monitor your active campaigns.
  • Get a full status of your app’s MMP & ASO performance in one single view.

Just connect your Adjust account to choose from 50+ Adjust metrics alongside ASO Intelligence and console data, directly in Reporting Studio:

  • ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user)
  • Ad revenue
  • Ad spend
  • CTR (click-through rate)
  • Impressions
  • ROAS (return on advertising spend)
  • And much (50+ metrics) more!

Directly on AppTweak, build powerful reports that combine ASO, console, and MMP data to enhance your paid campaigns and drive high-quality installs across your target markets.

See it in action below.

4. Tell a story with unique reports & empower decision-makers

With so much data available in Reporting Studio, our main goal is to help you demonstrate the value of your work, your way. Reporting Studio allows you to create completely unique reports that cut through the noise and show decision-makers exactly what they want to see, according to your business goals.

See exactly what we mean:

For example, the report below shows how the performance of dating apps in the US has changed over time. In one view, we can track the apps’ download estimates, category rankings, and keyword rankings.

At a glance, we notice that Hinge’s ranking for the keyword “date” jumped in mid-March, going from #6 to #2 and surpassing that of Bumble. Despite this increased keyword ranking, Hinge’s daily downloads still remained lower than Bumble’s. Tinder also maintained its position at the top of “date” keyword search results, despite a small dip in March.

With Reporting Studio, select your most relevant metrics, take a step back, and get the bigger picture of your app’s (or competitors’) growth.

AppTweak Reporting Studio
Create custom reports based on your specific business goals

We also built Reporting Studio to facilitate team collaboration. Shared Workspaces (for Enterprise) allow you to organize your reports into relevant spaces and enhance your team’s collaboration.

Want to share reports outside your team? Reporting Studio will help you keep all your files organized. No need to download your reports – just share the link with external stakeholders, and limit access as you wish (password protection optional).


With Reporting Studio, tell a comprehensive story about your app data. In this blog, we highlighted the main benefits of AppTweak’s Reporting Studio for Enterprise:

  • Get a high-level overview of your top reports & KPIs with the dashboard
  • Consolidate data across sources (AppTweak, consoles & MMPs)
  • Analyze performance & impact of paid ad campaigns
  • Create unique reports & empower decision-makers

Want to learn more about our all-in-one Enterprise solutions?

Request a demo

Georgia Shepherd
by , Product Marketing Manager at AppTweak
Georgia is a Product Marketing Manager at AppTweak. She works daily to highlight the value of our industry-leading ASO tools. She loves music, dancing, and food!