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How Product Madness improved ASO processes & workflows within 1 month

  • + 100in-app events in 12 months
Client profile:

Founded in 2007, with a total of 7 global studios across the globe Product Madness is the top-grossing leader in social casino mobile games. Being a social casino studio, Product Madness has built its reputation on creating new innovative features and a wide array of games to engage its players worldwide. 

Social Casino Mobile Games
Products used:


ASO is at the core of app growth. Since she joined the company back in 2019, Laura Krivetskaya, ASO Team Lead at Product Madness committed to building a more efficient thread of communication within her own rapidly growing team and across departments to support the company’s overall growth. As Apple introduced In-App Events in 2022, the need to jump on this trend quickly called for a better cross-team workflow.

The challenges that the company was facing back then were:

Difficulties onboarding new team members and educating them on ASO learnings from previous updates and tests

No easy access to quick reports per game in order to keep a high-level overview of the team’s efforts and performance

Challenging communication with creative teams and UA managers

Lack of awareness on impact of ASO within the organization and the value app store and competition insights can bring to the company

“So that’s what I really like about ASO, you never get bored! It’s always a complex thing where you need to follow a holistic approach to achieve visible results.” – Laura Krivetskaya, ASO Team Lead at Product Madness


  1. Improving onboarding with dedicated shared workspaces and chart notes 

By using shared workspaces, Laura and her team could build a dedicated workspace for each of the games within the Product Madness portfolio. This enabled the ASO team to collaborate more efficiently and transparently on shared ASO projects while also helping Laura to keep track of all the different projects by simply switching workspaces on AppTweak.

Different workspace settings also came into play when needing to onboard new team members. By making use of chart notes within a specific workspace, Laura was able to share with newcomers insights and explanations about specific marketing campaigns and trends in a nutshell.

“AppTweak is great because you can set everything up properly based on your needs and what you wish to show.” – Laura Krivetskaya, ASO Team Lead at Product Madness


  1. Improving communication with creative teams through shared workspaces and the ASO Timeline 

The success of many advertising campaigns, including In-App Events, depends heavily on the creatives’ strength. Therefore, quick and easy communication of trends and best practices with the creative team is absolutely necessary.

As a first step, to effectively collect data on trends and best practices, Laura and her team created different shared workspaces in AppTweak for the creative team. Each workspace tracked a wide range of cross-category competitors that were actively using In-App Events.

By giving access to such shared workspaces to the creative team, they were able to directly consult AppTweak’s timeline feature and see the different In-App Events for relevant apps. Because ASO managers and designers were now looking at the same data, communication and collaboration between the teams improved considerably!

“You could spend hours attaching references for your creative team to the task, but with AppTweak we were able to do this in a couple of clicks just by looking at the data and arranging it based on your needs.” Laura Krivetskaya, ASO Team Lead at Product Madness


  1. Creating awareness and synergies between ASO and UA teams 

By sharing workspaces with Apple Search Ads Managers, the ASO team was able to create better synergies among organic and paid strategies at her company.

Laura and her team created several keyword lists for each workspace, providing insight into the games’ organic keyword rankings. This allowed UA managers to better understand the games’ visibility and determine which keywords they should focus on for their paid strategies while minimizing the risk of cannibalisation with organic search rankings. This helps to avoid potentially lowering the app’s visibility due to paid tactics that are too aggressive, such as bidding heavily on keywords that are already performing well organically.

Apart from the keyword lists, to present the data in a more accessible way, the keywords data was shared via AppTweak’s Keywords Position Map feature. This feature allowed to quickly visualize high-volume keyword opportunities in an intuitive way.

“The tool sounds louder than any word because it shows the data in a digestible way. This is the best way to build the value of ASO within your company.” – Laura Krivetskaya, ASO Team Lead at Product Madness



Implementing AppTweak’s shared workspaces helped improve onboarding, cross-team communication and overall efficiency at Product Madness.

In just one month, Laura and her team were already experiencing the benefits of this new way of working together. As a result of better collaboration between teams, Product Madness was able to launch In-App Events from start to finish for three of their major titles in a matter of a few weeks. This process cycle was constantly upgrading and takes up to one week length now.

image - product madness - case study image - in-app event

Product Madness has seen tremendous results of their in-app event strategy, enabling them to create and launch more than 100 In-App Events across their major titles in the past 12 months.

Picture - Laura Krivetskaya - Product Madness Laura Krivetskaya | ASO Team Lead at Product Madness
The tool is evolving based on clients’ insights, and this is an amazing trajectory that AppTweak is following!
AppTweak SA
avenue Louise 235
Brussels , , 1050Belgium
app store marketing, aso