How Supersolid optimized and localized creatives for Brazil

Client profile:

Supersolid is an award-winning, independent mobile games developer with over 100 million downloads, based in central London. In 2012, Supersolid made its first hit SuperPenguins, an infinite runner free-to-play mobile game. Since then Supersolid developed many other exciting games branching from simulation games, to competitive multiplayer.

Products used:


Having recognized the importance of the Brazilian market for their simulation game: Home Street, the Supersolid ASO team was looking into ways to effectively attract the Brazilian audience and increase visibility in both app stores in the country.

Given the already crowded and highly competitive market, the Supersolid team needed to find a solution that would help their game to:

  • Stand out from the competition
  • Prove the store algorithms that Home Street appeals to the market and should be displayed high in the search results

The team finally opted to optimize the game’s creatives and localize them for the Brazilian market to ensure the game’s success in both app stores and optimize conversion rate.


1. Localizing Home Street’s icon to appeal the Brazilian market

To successfully optimize and localize the game’s creatives for Brazil, Supersolid began with a market analysis of the locale: the team first looked at several variables to identify the best strategic plan of action.

Comparing your creatives with competitors is an essential step for effective app store optimization, this is even more important with regard to app icons. App icons are often the only visual element shown to store visitors to communicate an app’s presence, especially on Google Play Store.

To identify best practices for Home Street’s icon, Supersolid used AppTweak to compare the creatives of the top 10 apps on both app stores. Competitor analyses helped Supersolid understand the Brazilian market preferences for localized creatives.

After comparing different trending games and variables, the Supersolid’s creative team got to work – they created alternatives of the Home Street icon to test variations of the character, her outfit, and the house. Such variations to the app icon were meant to adapt to Brazilian culture and in turn the country search behaviors, mobile preferences and competitive landscape.

Image - Supersolid case study - icon A/B testing
Icon for Supersolid’s Home Street game in Brazil: the icon on the right won A/B tests in Brazil and differed from the icons that performed best outside of Brazil.

2. Adapting Home Street’s icon to seasonal events

Supersolid’s icons may also change depending on the season.

At Christmas 2020, Supersolid conducted a market analysis to update Home Street’s seasonal icon to better reflect its audience. Thanks to its research, the team decided to feature a house that looked cozier, including heavy snowfall in the background and a Christmas hat on the lead character to evoke the Christmas period.


Following the A/B test on the Home Street app icon in Brazil, the localized variation proved to be successful.

Since then the Supersolid ASO team had been working on establishing a more frequent metadata update cycle of continuous monitoring and iterations to maintain its success in the Brazilian market.

image - elizaveta-kostyukhina supersolid Elizaveta Kostyukhina | Head of User Acquisition
AppTweak answered our need to improve not only our organic installs but also our overall conversion of page views to installs.
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