AppTweak product recap 2022

2022 Product Recap: Why We’re App Data Platform of the Year

Georgia Shepherdby 
Product Marketing Manager at AppTweak

14 min read

Another year is drawing to an end–and what a year it’s been! We’re incredibly proud of the innovation we have cultivated in 2022, from being the first ASO tool to provide data on promotional content and in-app events, to developing Atlas, the industry’s first app store semantic engine. 

The best-in-class ASO features we’ve launched this year are thanks to the collaborative efforts of our entire team. Congratulations, everyone! 

We would also like to extend many thanks to you, our fantastic clients and partners, for your continued feedback and support. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to call ourselves the best app data platform on the market.

In case you missed them or if you just need a refresher, let’s recap AppTweak’s major product updates of 2022!

To help you convert better & drive more downloads

Monitor in-app events & promotional content in Timeline & ASO Report

In 2022, we became the first ASO tool allowing you to visualize and monitor any in-app events or LiveOps (now “promotional content”) on the app stores.

While there are key differences between the two marketing tools, they both help app marketers reach new users, engage current users, and reconnect with lapsed users on the App Store and Google Play respectively.

How it works

In-app events and promotional content are relatively new tools for ASO practitioners, but hold a lot of potential in terms of conversion. Therefore, it was a major priority for us to provide the following insights, directly on AppTweak:

  • In the ASO Report, we indicate whenever we detect an app (and its competitors) currently running in-app events or promotional content.
  • If detected, you’ll be able to visualize the creatives, description, and further details of that in-app event or promotional content.
  • Then, use the Timeline to monitor how, when, and for how long your competitors run in-app events or promotional content. These unique insights are game-changers to get an edge over the competition.

Learn more about in-app events (App Store) and promotional content (Google Play)

Benchmark your metadata against top apps in any category

Building an app store listing that appeals to your target market comes with many important decisions. Should you add a preview video to your app page? Could portrait screenshots be more effective than landscape? Should you be running in-app events?

To help you answer these questions and more, our Metadata Benchmarks feature analyzes the top 500 apps in each category, revealing current benchmarks and ASO trends.

AppTweak metadata benchmarks feature
Metadata Benchmarks (released April 2022), available from Starter

How it works

Just head over to Metadata Benchmarks (under our “Metadata” tab) to compare your app’s metadata usage to top apps in any category:

  • Creative trends across the top 50 app icons
  • Percentage of apps leveraging a preview/promo video
  • Most popular screenshot and video orientation
  • Average number of characters for the short and long description
  • Average rating
  • Average price (for paid apps)
  • And more.

Uncover ASO trends and inspiration with Metadata Benchmarks

To help you increase app visibility & optimize keywords

Write & compare metadata drafts with the Metadata Worksheet

A solid keyword optimization strategy is crucial to app growth. Because of this, in February we developed the Metadata Worksheet, specifically aimed at making your keyword selection process even easier.

Write and compare app metadata drafts and optimize keywords with AppTweak Metadata Worksheet
Metadata Worksheet (released March 2022), available from Starter

How it works

This handy feature allows you to write and compare drafts of your title, subtitle/short description and keyword field (iOS) or full description (Android). To help you more easily identify the drafts with the most potential, AppTweak will indicate:

  • When you reach the character limit for each field.
  • Which keywords our tool thinks you should add to your metadata, thanks to a “Recommendation” metric that considers the Keyword Efficiency Index (KEI), rankings, and downloads driven to your app and competitors.
  • Total Market Installs (TMI)–an estimate of all the installs generated for the whole market by the keywords you’re targeting.
  • Warnings–just in case you forget some store guidelines or ASO best practices while writing your metadata drafts (e.g., not adding the same keyword to your title and subtitle on iOS).

Expert Tip

The Metadata Worksheet works best when you’ve already conducted your keyword research, built a complete keyword list (at least 30 keywords), and added at least two competitors.

How to choose the best keywords for your iOS or Android app

Enhance your metadata with long-tail keywords

In 2022, we developed another tool to help you gain maximum visibility from a limited amount of metadata space. This time, we targeted long-tail keywords (combinations of single keywords that typically have lower search volumes, but higher ranking opportunities) with the Combinations Table.

Find new keyword opportunities and combinations with AppTweak Combination Table
Keyword Combinations Table (released June 2022), available from Pro

How it works

With an AppTweak Pro plan (or above), you’ll have access to the Combinations Table–an overarching view of your keyword combinations grouped by their single term. For a single keyword, we’ll show you the number of combinations it makes, the average volume, difficulty, relevancy, etc., and the sum of the installs the combinations drive.

Once you expand a single keyword, we’ll show you the combinations and their associated metrics (volume, difficulty, rank, relevancy, etc) to help you quickly and easily analyze new keyword opportunities.

Read this blog to learn how to improve your ASO with long-tail keywords

This year, we also upgraded our Browse/Explore tab, providing more data to help you assess the impact of being featured and discover unique featuring opportunities on the stores.

Visualize and monitor when you or your competitors are featured on the app stores
Upgraded featuring insights (developed May 2022), available from Starter

How it works

  • Select a featured story and visualize all its insights: its creatives, where on the store it appears, the views/apps/downloads generated, the keywords the story ranks in search results for, and more.
  • Directly add interesting keywords from Browse to your keyword lists.
  • Use the calendar view to monitor when (and for how long) stories were running.
  • Been featured in the “Today” tab on the App Store? You can also estimate the number of downloads you (or your competitors) gained from a specific story.

Discover advanced insights about your app’s featurings

More data, insights, and tools for a global ASO strategy

Analyze, monitor & compare app performance worldwide

We’re proud to be trusted by popular app and game businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our Enterprise clients are industry leaders, with apps relied on and enjoyed by masses of people around the world. For these apps, it’s super important to be able to quickly monitor app performance worldwide.

This year, we spent a lot of time developing our worldwide overview and cross-country analysis to facilitate the international growth strategies of our biggest clients.

Monitor app performance and ratings worldwide
Worldwide overview and cross-country analysis (developed throughout 2022), available from Enterprise

How it works

In “Analytics” or “Ratings”, use the country dropdown to choose between our worldwide overview or cross-country analysis. With the worldwide overview, you’ll be able to:

  • Use a worldwide map to quickly understand where your app is under- or over-performing in terms of category ranking, downloads, revenue, or app ratings.
  • Integrate your console to visualize even more metrics worldwide, including your conversion rate, impressions, pageviews (iOS), store listing visitors, or acquisitions (Android).
  • Understand the worldwide performance of your Google Ads keywords to compare the installs driven for each country (integration needed).

You can then navigate to our cross-country analysis to dive deeper into your app’s performance! First, be sure to follow your app in the countries you want to focus on, then select “cross-country analysis” from the dropdown to view:

  • The evolution of your category ranking, downloads, new ratings, etc., in the countries that matter to you.
  • Average daily downloads, revenue, etc., driven by your chosen countries.
  • The share of total downloads, revenues, etc., each country is responsible for, or the new/average/total ratings gained from each country over your selected date range.
  • Valuable cross-country metrics, including first-time downloads (iOS) or uninstalls (Android) if you integrate your console.

How to track your worldwide app performance on AppTweak

Discover leading app publishers with Market Intelligence

The fast-changing nature of ASO can make it difficult to gain and maintain your competitive advantage. Regularly identifying the main players in a country or market is very useful, but can require a lot of time and effort.

In 2022, we developed our Market Intelligence add-on to shine a light on the leading app publishers (by downloads and revenue) in the categories and countries of your choice!

Discover top publishers in any country or category with Market Intelligence
Top Publishers in Market Intelligence (released April 2022), available as an add-on / automatically included with Enterprise

How it works

Alongside data on market size and seasonality trends, you can uncover the following insights with Market Intelligence > Top Publishers (just select the countries you want to focus your analysis on):

  • Identify the publishers with the highest market share in terms of downloads and revenue.
  • Monitor market share growth trends for top publishers.
  • Directly compare the performance of top publishers in different countries.
  • And more!

Learn more about our app publisher insights available in Market Intelligence

Enhanced collaboration & organization for ASO teams

This year, we also developed Shared Workspaces on AppTweak to facilitate the work of global app companies relying on efficient collaboration.

A workspace allows you to collaborate with specific team members on a given app or set of apps (and competitors), and share the same space for ASO projects. 

Save time and improve ASO organization with shared workspaces on AppTweak
Shared Workspaces (launched in April 2022), available with Enterprise

How it works

You can share the following data within a shared workspace (any data added to one shared workspace will be visible to all users who are part of that workspace):

  • Followed apps and competitors
  • Keywords and keyword lists
  • SOV keywords
  • App Intelligence reports
  • Market Intelligence categories & custom markets
  • Graph notes & annotations
  • Integrations (only one person needs to set the integration up to provide everyone in the workspace with access to the integrated data)

ASO can be a complicated process—but efficient teamwork shouldn’t be! Shared workspaces are here to make your ASO work smoother and easier than ever before.

Prioritize innovation with the #1 App Data Platform of 2022

Atlas, our most innovative data science to date

One of our biggest achievements this year was being awarded “App Data Platform of the Year” during the App Growth Awards 2022! One of the major factors contributing to this success was our launch of Atlas, the first app store semantic engine, in June.

Atlas is a foundational algorithm that leverages 8 years of AppTweak data to position millions of apps and keywords relative to each other, specifically in an app store context. Atlas relies on 3 services–distances, nearest neighbors, and clustering–to process and compute the semantic relationships between apps/apps, keywords/keywords, and apps/keywords.

Atlas, the first app store semantic engine
Atlas (released in June 2022), related features available with Enterprise

How it works

Thanks to Atlas, AppTweak can benefit from the deeper semantics of keywords and apps on the app stores. Atlas allows our tool to identify the keyword “scooter” as semantically related to the keyword “lime” (the popular scooter app) in an app store context, more than the keyword “lemon.”

Atlas has enabled the launch of some of our most popular features, including the keyword relevancy score, the Brainstorm List (automated list of 100 powerful keywords), our “Semantic Keywords” suggestions, and more.

Deep dive into Atlas, the industry’s first app store semantic engine

Leverage advanced app store insights with AppDNA taxonomy

Later in the year, we were also especially proud to launch AppDNA, powered by Atlas. AppDNA is our unique app taxonomy that paints a more precise picture of the app competitive landscape.

While the app stores provide around 30 store-given categories, our data scientists have identified over 200 AppDNAs that more accurately depict an app’s core identity. For example, Amazon Prime Video belongs to the “Movie & TV Streaming” AppDNA, a more relevant grouping than the larger store-given “Entertainment” category.

AppDNA, AppTweak's unique app taxonomy
AppDNA taxonomy snippet (released in November 2022), related features available with Enterprise

How it works

You can leverage AppDNA on AppTweak in the following ways:

  • From the app header, just hover over an app’s AppDNA and click “Explore all AppDNA types” to explore an interactive map of our entire classification system.
  • Visualize leading apps serving the same core purpose with Top Charts per AppDNA.
  • In the “Add competitors” widget, filter your competitor suggestions by AppDNA to compare your metadata, analytics, and more, to competitors sharing more relevant markets to yours).
  • Get more relevant keyword suggestions based on AppDNA and find new opportunities to increase your app’s visibility.

Learn more about AppDNA, our unique app taxonomy system

Upgrade your reporting to save time & be more efficient

Save valuable time with our App Store, ASO, and Console API

This summer, we released our new API, your all-in-one solution to programmatically access data from the App Store & Google Play in 100+ countries. Our API allows you to save time and enhance your ASO work with automated performance dashboards, keyword suggestions, market trends, and more.

You can also quickly access your app console data (redownloads, uninstalls, etc) via our API to combine ASO data with real metrics, all in one place. Finally, visualize your data using your team’s preferred BI tools, like Google Data Studio, Tableau, and more.

Automate app performance dashboards with App Store API
App performance dashboard automated via our API (developed throughout 2022), at least 25,000 credits automatically available from Pro

How it works

As well as being a purchasable add-on, all AppTweak Pro plans and above automatically receive 25,000 monthly credits to leverage our API (250,000 credits for Enterprise plans).

Since its launch, we’ve developed various API endpoints that allow you to easily fetch app metadata, app/keyword metrics, keyword suggestions, and more. Ready-made code samples (called “recipes”) help you run popular use cases (e.g. competitor discovery) with a large part of the code already written. You can now also access your console data through the API–just integrate your app to get started.

Our API is for developers and non-developers alike–no technical experience required! Just check out our help desk to get started.

Learn more about our all-in-one App Store API

Reporting Studio: A new way to share the impact of ASO 

Our final major release of the year was the Reporting Studio (currently in beta)! Our Enterprise clients have early access to this new tool that allows users to combine data across apps, stores, categories, and countries to build ASO reports that exactly match their needs.

Automate app performance dashboards with App Store API
App performance dashboard automated via our API (developed throughout 2022), at least 25,000 credits automatically available from Pro

How it works

With the Reporting Studio, you can be as creative as you like plotting any ASO metrics (rankings, installs, revenues, etc), in just a few clicks. Soon, we’ll make it possible to plot your console data and mobile measurement partner (MMPs) data on the same graph. Finally, you can share your (fixed or dynamic) reports externally via a unique URL, no AppTweak account required to view.

Learn more about the Reporting Studio (only available in beta access for Enterprise)

What a year!

2022 was a super exciting year for AppTweak! In the space of just 12 months, we’ve launched and developed major features to help you grow your app downloads worldwide, increase your app’s discoverability, and ensure you’re leveraging the most accurate data on the market.

Looking back, we are very proud of our team’s continuous efforts to maintain AppTweak’s high standards, and we extend our thanks to our clients and partners for the valuable feedback! Of course, we also have plenty of exciting projects already lined up for 2023–stay tuned!

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Georgia Shepherd
by , Product Marketing Manager at AppTweak
Georgia is a Product Marketing Manager at AppTweak. She works daily to highlight the value of our industry-leading ASO tools. She loves music, dancing, and food!