What is App Store Optimization: Your Guide to ASO in 2024

Sukanya Sur by 
Content Marketing Manager

20 min read

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Dive into this series for straightforward, actionable ASO tips & strategies to boost your app’s visibility and downloads in the app stores.

  1. What is App Store Optimization: Your Guide to ASO in 2024
  2. 10 Key Differences in ASO Between App Store & Google Play
  3. How to Optimize Your App Store Product Page?
  4. App Name Guidelines and Best Practices
  5. Best Practices for App Store Description
  6. How to Optimize Your App Screenshots to Boost App Downloads

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll find everything you need to know about ASO (App Store Optimization), app store ranking signals, how ASO is different for the App Store and Google Play, and how to get started with ASO.

Whether you’re a first-time app developer or looking to refine your existing ASO efforts, this blog provides actionable tips and insights to help you navigate the complexities of App Store Optimization.

What is App Store Optimization (ASO)?

App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of improving an app’s visibility and appeal on the app stores with the objective to increase app downloads. ASO helps your app stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract more users.

ASO typically focuses on three key areas:

  1. Keyword Optimization: This involves improving your app’s organic rankings in the search results by selecting and optimizing relevant keywords. This helps your app show up at the top of search results when users are looking for similar apps.
  2. Conversion Optimization: This focuses on optimizing the appearance of your app store product page. By improving elements like the app icon, screenshots, videos, and descriptions, you can make your app more attractive to users and increase the chances they’ll download it.
  3. Discoverability: This is about getting more eyes on your apps and games through featurings and in-app events or promotional content. By leveraging these opportunities you can significantly boost your app’s visibility and attract a wider audience.

The Fundamentals of ASO

Depending on a company’s priorities, goals, and KPIs, App Store Optimization can consist of:

  • Executing keyword research to optimize app metadata with the most searched for keywords
  • Optimizing app creative assets such as icons, screenshots, and videos to encourage more users to download your app
  • Localizing an app’s product page to foreign languages worldwide
  • Implementing an effective review strategy to ensure a steady stream of positive reviews
  • Increasing an app’s visibility in editorial content, featured stories, or “Similar Apps” placements
  • Creating in-app events and promotional content to get more eyes on your apps and games and engage (lapsed) users
  • Monitoring app store changes and competitor updates to maintain app visibility


ASO is often referred to as SEO for apps. This analogy comes in pretty handy when understanding the overall principle of ASO. But the app stores and the web are two very different ecosystems.

  1. Search intent: Search queries in the app stores are generally shorter than on the web. People tend to search for specific apps by their brand name or are looking for new apps that can serve an exact need. When searching the web, people often seek answers to specific questions or they make queries about buying a certain product or service. Therefore, search queries tend to be longer.
  2. Keywords: In the app stores, keyword optimization is limited to the app title, subtitle, and keyword field or long description. Therefore, app marketers need to carefully select a handful of relevant keywords to increase their visibility. On the web, conversely, it is possible to optimize different web pages for different search queries.
  3. Backlinks vs app downloads: Search engines rely on the amount and quality of backlinks to determine the authority of a website. App stores rely on app download velocity to assess authority. The more downloads an app receives over an amount of time, the higher the ranking chances of the app.
  4. Page speed vs uninstall rate or retention rate: Both search engines and app stores want to provide users with the best user experience. Search engines, therefore, prioritize websites with fast page speeds in the search results. On the other hand, app stores rely on user metrics such as uninstall rate or retention rate to feed their algorithm.

Why is App Store Optimization important?

There are more than 5 million apps in both the Apple App Store and Google Play. Each day, another 3,000 new apps are released on average. One of the main methods for people to navigate this universe and discover new apps is “App Store Search”. According to Apple, 65% of all downloads on the App Store happen after a keyword search, and AppTweak found that nearly half of those searches were generic (not branded) searches.

In short, If you’re not investing in App Store Optimization, you’re missing out on the largest discovery channels available to your app.

Search from generic keywords still accounts for more than half of App Store traffic
Nearly half of all searches on the App Stores are for generic keywords. Source: AppTweak

But ASO is not only about keyword optimization. It’s crucial to realize that no matter how a user discovers your app – in the app stores or through social media ads, native ads, or any other channel – your app’s store page is a key factor in persuading them to install your app. By optimizing your app store page (including any custom product pages), you can boost conversion rates and reduce the Cost per Install (CPI) of your ad campaigns. As a result, your investment in paid acquisition efforts yields more value.

View App Store Optimization as a key strategy for showcasing apps to the right audience. Even well-known brands should not overlook the power of a well-optimized app store presence in strengthening their brand and message via featurings and in-app events or promotional content.

What is the impact of App Store Optimization (ASO)?

A recent study by IE Business School, using AppTweak data revealed that ASO leads to a 12% increase in downloads on average.

IE Business School analyzed 16,897 game apps released between November 2019 and November 2021.  The data revealed that games implementing effective ASO strategies experienced, on average, a 9% increase in downloads on the App Store and a 12% increase in downloads on Google Play.

The Marginal Value of ASO Investments. Adapted from original data by IE Business School

At AppTweak we have seen many individual case studies proving the impact of ASO:

What are the ASO ranking factors?

To get started with ASO you need to understand the app store algorithms. The app stores consider two main factors when ranking apps: Keyword Relevancy & Ranking Strength. Each of these can be broken down into individual ranking factors.

1. Keyword Relevancy

The app stores want to provide a great user experience, so they only want to rank apps that are relevant to user search queries. To identify whether or not an app is relevant to a search query, the app stores consider the following:

  • App’s primary category: Indicates your app’s thematic relevance.
  • Keywords in app metadata: These include your title, subtitle, descriptions, and keywords field, helping the app stores understand your app’s content and its relevance to user searches.

Relevance is key. The app store algorithms use several ranking signals to assess how closely your app relates to search terms. The most crucial is your app metadata’s keyword placement. Keywords added to the title will be deemed more relevant than keywords in the iOS keyword field.

2. Ranking Strength

Once the app stores have identified which apps are relevant to certain search queries, they will turn to other signals to refine the search results:

  • App downloads & velocity: Daily download numbers and the rate of these downloads (download velocity) are strong indicators of relevance, influencing your app’s search position and visibility on top charts. Apple and Google really focus on how quickly an app is being downloaded. This means a new app that’s getting a lot of downloads every day can rank high, even if it hasn’t been around for long or doesn’t have a massive total number of downloads yet.
  • App conversion rate: A high conversion rate boosts your search ranking. For instance, if lots of people download your app after searching for a certain word – like “flight booker” – and this keeps happening, your app will probably show up high in the search results for that word. Google Play also factors in user retention, valuing apps that keep users engaged over time.
  • Ratings & reviews: Your app’s reviews and star ratings are another major ASO ranking factor. A lot of positive reviews and high star ratings signal to the algorithms that users are liking your app.
  • Android Vitals: The Play Store’s algorithm factors in app performance, including stability, crash rate, and battery usage, affecting app visibility. Poor performance can lower rankings, so optimizing your app performance is crucial for better Play Store placement.
  • Backlinks (Google Play): The Play Store evaluates the number and quality of backlinks from websites to your app. It assesses the authority and relevance of these sites, including page views and bounce rates, and the alignment of URL keywords with your app’s content. High-quality backlinks can boost your Google Play rankings, making it important to improve and monitor your backlinks.

How is ASO different on the App Store vs Google Play?

The App Store and Google Play have the same objective – to help users discover and download new apps. But both stores have a very different look and feel when it comes to their app page and search results.

App Store search results:

  • Shows app icon, title, subtitle, ratings, and screenshots. Portrait screenshots show 3 images, landscape shows 1. Portrait preview videos autoplay in search results. For iOS 15 and later, previously downloaded apps don’t show screenshots in search results.
  • App titles up to 30 characters, usually cut to 26. With creatives occupying space, only two apps fit on a screen, making visibility beyond the 10th position low.

Google Play search results:

  • For generic keywords, up to 8 apps can appear, showing the app icon, title, developer name, ratings, and daily downloads average. Screenshots and videos are not displayed for these searches.
  • Branded keyword searches display differently, showcasing the app more prominently with additional details like screenshots and a short description, followed by “You Might Also Like” and “Similar Apps” carousels, with organically ranked apps listed below.
Example of App Store search results vs Google Play search results
Example of App Store search results vs Google Play search results. Source: AppTweak

Some of these differences have a major impact on how you should optimize your app on the App Store vs Google Play:

  • Because screenshots show up in the search results on the App Store, they play a major role in convincing users to download your app. On Google Play, screenshots will show for branded keyword searches only.
  • The app subtitle varies widely in length on the App Store (30 characters) vs Google Play (80 characters) and serves a different purpose. On the App Store, the subtitle appears in the search results, hence you should use the subtitle to explain what your app is about. On Google Play, the short description appears on the app page underneath the screenshots. The short description should be more compelling and encourage people to download your app.
  • Aside from keywords in the title and subtitle, Apple relies on a 100-character keyword field to rank your app. Google Play takes into consideration keywords included in the long description. 
  • On Google Play it is important to repeat keywords to signal to the algorithm which keywords you would like your app to rank on. On the App Store, repeating keywords does not have an impact.
  • Google Play takes backlinks into account in its algorithm, while Apple does not.

Read more on the differences between ASO on the App Store & Google Play

App Store Optimization Best Practices


From an ASO perspective, the app title is a strong ranking signal in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. For both iOS and Android apps, include your most important keywords in the app title.

An app title should clearly explain what your app is about. This is especially crucial for Android apps, where the app title and icon are the only visible elements in Google Play search results. In the Apple App Store search results, users see the app icon, title, subtitle (likely truncated), and screenshots.

Best practices to optimize your app title:

  • Crucial element for ranking. Include relevant keywords to improve visibility and rankings.
  • Both stores allow up to 30 characters.
  • Choose a clear, unique title that reflects your app’s function. Avoid vague names.
  • Google Play prohibits promotional phrases like “best” or “#1.”

Check out these tips to choose an app title that sets you apart from your competitors

Subtitle/short description

For iOS apps, the subtitle (30 characters) appears underneath the app title in the search results, or underneath the screenshots on the app page. The app subtitle should contain strong keywords and explain to users what your app is about.

For Android apps, the short description (80 characters) does not appear in the search results, but shows on the app listing above the fold (and above the screenshots). The app short description occupies a prime spot in an Android app listing and should grab people’s attention and explain why they should download the app.

Keyword field (iOS)

Invisible to users, this 100-character field helps determine your app’s search relevance. Use it wisely to enhance visibility. Google Play does not have this field, relying instead on keywords in your title, short, and long descriptions.

Best practices to optimize your keyword field:

  • Only use single keywords, each separated with a comma
  • Don’t repeat keywords that you added in your title or subtitle
  • Target singular words (in English)
  • Avoid special characters
  • Don’t waste space on ‘free’ keywords like ‘app’ or ‘free’ or ‘best’
  • Avoid competitor brand names and trademarked terms

More tips to optimize your iOS keyword field

Long description

You have the option to provide a long description on both app stores. The main difference is that the long description is not a ranking signal in the Apple App Store. That means that the keywords used in the long description do not rank on the App Store. They are however a main ranking factor in the Google Play algorithm.

The long description should explain what your app is about and highlight how users will benefit from downloading your app. To optimize your long description for discoverability on Google Play, consider repeating your most important keywords a few times to increase its density and signal to Google that this is an important keyword that describes your app’s main features.

Keep these best practices in mind for an optimized long description on Google Play


Screenshots are one of the most important elements on your app page to help users decide whether or not to download your app. The best app screenshots demonstrate your app’s value proposition and display the most interesting features. Include short captions to better convey your message, ensuring the font is large enough for people can read it (especially on Google Play, where screenshots appear smaller).

Design the best app screenshots with these proven tips & best practices


On the App Store, the app preview video autoplays (alongside the first 2 screenshots) in the Apple App Store search results. As people like to consume video content, adding a preview video will definitely make your app stand out from competitors in the Apple App Store search results. The videos should be short and quickly explain how the app works.

On Google Play, the promo video only appears on your app listing, in the featured image banner at the top. To show a promo video on your app store listing, you need to upload the video on Youtube first.

7 tips to create an app preview video that converts

How to get started with ASO

Understanding ASO is crucial for boosting organic downloads. Here are some focused tips to help you develop your ASO strategy:

1. Identify your competitors & analyze their ASO strategies

As a first step in your App Store Optimization strategy, identify which apps you are competing with and what their strategy is. Consider not only direct rivals but also any app or game vying for identical keywords in the app stores.

Now take a step back and have a look at what your competitors are doing in terms of ASO. Not only can you learn a lot from this exercise, it will also help you define realistic benchmarks or KPIs for your own strategy.

Using an ASO tool like AppTweak simplifies this process significantly.  For instance, the ASO Timeline feature indicates when a competitor has made metadata updates, offering a comparative view of changes.

ASO Timeline
ASO Timeline

2. Audit your current metadata performance

Evaluate how well your current metadata performs. Are you ranking for your targeted keywords? Are these keywords driving downloads? It’s essential not to remove high-performing keywords while replacing less effective ones. AppTweak provides a comprehensive view of keyword performance, including search volume and estimated downloads.

Expert Tip

With AppTweak’s All Ranked Keyword Performance, you can see all the keywords for which your app ranks. Powerful metrics such as “volume” help you understand how often this keyword is searched for. The “organic installs” metric shows an estimation of how many downloads each of these keywords brings to your app.

Image - All Ranked Keywords Performance - Img 4

3. Find relevant keywords for your app

Begin with identifying keywords to increase your app’s visibility. Compile a list of 150–200 relevant keywords, considering a wide range of terms related to your app, including long-tail keywords. Reflect on your app’s main features or benefits, and observe competitor titles and subtitles for potential keywords.

4. Decide which keywords to focus on

After compiling a list of keywords relevant to your app, determine which ones to include in your app metadata.

  • Focus on keywords most relevant to your app that answer user queries.
  • Prioritize keywords with medium to high search volume.
  • Choose low-competition keywords where your app has a good chance of ranking.
  • Incorporate the most important keywords into your app title, as it carries significant weight in the App Store and Google Play.

Expert Tip

AppTweak’s Relevancy Score, which ranges from 0 to 100, indicates how well a keyword matches your app.

[caption id="attachment_83528" align="alignnone" width="200"]AppTweak keyword relevancy scores Relevancy scores for “running,” “runner,” and “run” for Nike Run Club (above) and Subway Surfers (below)[/caption]

5. Optimize your app’s visual elements

Visual elements are crucial for App Store Optimization on both the App Store and Google Play, with users spending an average of just 3 seconds per app listing. This brief window is your golden opportunity to capture the attention of your intended audience. So take the time to design well-thought screenshots, icons, and videos

Tips to optimize app screenshots:

  • Ensure that screenshots convey your app’s essence and highlight its key features
  • Maintain simplicity to avoid suggesting complexity, which can put off potential users

Tips to design a compelling app icon:

  • Your icon should be simple, focusing on one element to easily communicate your app’s purpose
  • Incorporate familiar brand elements if they resonate with your audience
  • Consider A/B testing to understand user preferences

Best practices for your app preview/promo videos

  • Accurately reflects actual usage of your app or game
  • Avoids time-sensitive content to remain relevant
  • Is tailored to the language and cultural nuances of your target market

A/B testing app creatives:

  • Use Google Play’s store listing experiments and Apple’s product page optimization to test and identify the most effective visuals.
  • Establish separate timelines for keyword and creative updates to accurately measure their impact.

Expert Tip

Clear, relevant visuals not only make your app stand out but also build a loyal user base by enhancing user satisfaction.

Check out these ASO best practices to help your app creatives stand out from the competition

6. Localize your app

Localizing your app is crucial for increasing your app’s visibility around the world. This involves adapting your app’s metadata, keywords, and visuals to cater to different languages and cultures, significantly boosting your app’s presence in non-English speaking markets like Japan or China.

We found 77% apps on the US App Store and 99% on Google Play expanded to other countries in 2023. Among these:

  • 59% on the App Store localized their title
  • 89% localized their long description
Frequency of localizing metadata by apps
Approximately 89% of apps have localized their descriptions, while only 59% chose to localize their titles, indicating that many top apps prefer to maintain their original, brand-specific titles across international markets. Source: ASO Trends & Benchmarks Data Study, AppTweak

Localization isn’t just translation; it requires understanding and integrating local search behaviors and preferences into your app’s metadata & visuals. In Japan, for instance, app screenshots often feature dense text and intricate details, reflecting local tastes. Games might incorporate anime or manga characters to appeal to the local audience.

7. Get more user reviews

Ratings and reviews are a major App Store Optimization ranking signal and should be a key part of your ASO strategy.

To illustrate a case study, The North Face saw a substantial increase in app ratings by integrating a review prompt post-purchase. This strategy lifted their App Store rating from 3.68 to 4.23 and increased conversion rates by 59.06%. On Google Play, their ratings rose by 75%, with scores improving from 3.71 to 4.54.

The North Face significantly increased its app ratings by strategically implementing a review prompt within its app
The North Face significantly increased its app ratings by strategically implementing a review prompt within its app. Source: AppTweak

Ratings and reviews also have a major impact on your visibility in the app stores. Data from AppTweak shows that around 92% of apps featured on the App Store have a star rating of 4 or above.

Around 92% of apps featured on the App Store have a star rating of 4 or above, while about 63% boast a rating of at least 4.6
Around 92% of apps featured on the App Store have a star rating of 4 or above, while about 63% boast a rating of at least 4.6. Source: ASO Trends & Benchmarks : A Comprehensive Data Study, AppTweak

8. Drive engagement with in-app events and promotional content

App stores aren’t just acquisition channels where people download new apps – they are dynamic platforms that can help you capture attention from current and lapsed users. A great way to do this is through well-planned in-app events (App Store) and promotional content (Google Play).

In-app events and promotional content are live events happening inside apps which can be promoted on the app stores via event cards. These event cards contain basic information about the in-app event, such as the event name, short description, and an image or video. Users are then able to tap through to an event details page with more information.

Best practices when creating in-app events

9. Monitor app rankings & visibility

It is vital to monitor your app rankings and visibility on a regular basis. Not only do the app stores update their algorithm regularly, the app stores see constant competition and user search behavior changes over time.

Make sure to spot trends early and adjust your keyword strategy when necessary.

Expert Tip

Regularly updating your app’s metadata in the App Store and Google Play is one of the most efficient ways to ensure your app’s visibility. Around 50% of top apps on iOS updated their screenshots more than twice in the last year (2023) to boost visibility and engagement. In general, we recommend reviewing and updating iOS metadata every 4 weeks and Google Play metadata every 4–6 weeks
Almost half of the top apps and games have updated their screenshots in the past year, but nearly 80% of apps and games haven't updated their titles, even though keywords in titles have the highest impact on rankings
Almost half of the top apps and games have updated their screenshots in the past year, but nearly 80% of apps and games haven’t updated their titles, even though keywords in titles have the highest impact on rankings. Source: AppTweak

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Sukanya Sur
by , Content Marketing Manager
Sukanya is Content Marketing Manager at AppTweak, creating intriguing content for app marketers. She possesses strong editing skills, delights in storytelling, and holds a deep appreciation for classic literature.